Wednesday, August 8, 2012


After some encouragement to start a blog about my adventures over the next year, here is my attempt.  Tomorrow I move to Africa-- Algeria specifically.  Up until a year ago when Sean moved there, I couldn't locate it on a map.  And now it will be my home for the next year.  REALLY???

There aren't quite words to express what I'm feeling.  It's been sinking in for a couple months, but how does something like moving to Algeria really sink in completely?  How do I prepare to live in a place where there aren't grocery stores, traffic lights, credit cards.... oh, and women are mostly dressed covered head to toe and very few people who speak english?  CULTURE SHOCK to say the least.  But when given the chance, I had to think about the person I wanted to be.  I've been the person that works too hard, takes cares of the house and bills, and gets stuck in a routine.  Why not also be the person who isn't afraid to drop everything for a new experience, learns a new language (or in this case maybe two- French and Arabic), and explores an unknown world with my husband? 

I've always believed everything happens for a reason, but  to be honest, it was always kind of a justification for things.  I do shit wrong, I grow.  Bad shit happens, it makes me who I am today.  Blah blah blah.  But after the past year (spending my first year of marriage away from my husband while he's in Algeria and I'm in the US), I see everything happens for a reason.  It has sucked being away from Sean.  And  I went into this year thinking "the reason" was to help Sean's coaching career.  But there was also a reason for me.  As much as I hate to admit it, girls, me included, are bad with being too close to their relationships--- in otherwords, "I've available when he isn't."  Well, for a year he wasn't available, and out of that year came an amazing support system of people.  Of course my family, who was amazing as always.  But also amazing girl friends.  Due to my past (which "has made me grow as a person"), it's hard for me to open up to girls.  When best friends turn, it makes it hard to want to find another.  Sean being gone has forced me to open up, and I'm so thankful for what it's led to.  I definitly have a new found faith in the female race :-)

Moving away is a double edge sword.  I'm lucky for all the people I've gotten to spend time with over the last 3 weeks, but with each interaction, a looming good bye comes.  Of course, "it's not good bye, it's see you later."  People only say this when someone is going to be gone for a while, so is it really better than just good bye?  I don't care- I still feel better saying it.  I love the lunches, crab feast, and bridesmaids movie/chipotle gatherings!

So now that I've said my "see you later"s to my amazing people in America, I begin my next life adventure in Algeria.  I have no idea what awaits, and while the control freak in me is causing jitters, I am excited to take the plunge. 

Everything happens for a reason!

1 comment:

  1. I have always believed the same!!! If everything didn't happen for a reason I never would have moved to Pittsburgh, met Larry, had two beautiful boys and met my amazing extended family. Thank you for taking the plunge and being an amazingly strong woman! Can't wait to hear the adventures you are going to experience. Most importantly be safe and have FUN!!

    Love lots!!! DeAnna
